Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Crisis Response
There is a need to improve the freshness, quality, effectiveness, appropriateness, and accessibility of information and communication systems intended to facilitate logistics and supply chain management in the face of devastating disasters. This improvement must be based on an increased understanding of the disaster relief realities, faced difficulties and the decision maker’s needs: Crisis scenarios and phases have to be differentiated; inducers of evolution of crisis or changes in its nature must be highlighted; all involved actors and entities, their interests, motivations, and strategies as well as the existing interrelations and interdependences have to be considered; the existing practices in the crisis management sector need to be understood and reflected; problems, limits, barriers in relief supply chains must be formalized; supporting humanitarian information systems need to be examined critically.
The overall objective of this track is to discuss and reflect contributions on the design, deployment, application and evaluation of information systems for logistics and supply chain management in the area of crisis management, including all relevant actors with a special focus of humanitarian actors. For this purpose potential contributions need provide both rigorous research methods and relevant approaches reflecting the practitioner’s realities. In order to ensure an appropriate balance of both criteria practitioner-centered reviewer will be involved in the review process.
We suggest a classical format regarding the submission and presentation of papers as provided during the last “Logistics and SCM in Crisis Response” tracks at the 14thand 15thISCRAM edition.
Possible topics of interest for this track include the following:
- Process modeling and analysis of disaster relief chains
- Quantitative methods and simulation in disaster relief logistics
- Performance measurement and monitoring of disaster relief chains
- Logistics decision making in crisis management
- Transportation in crisis situations
- Warehousing and inventory management for disaster relief
- Emergency procurement
- Coordination and collaboration in disaster relief chains
- Humanitarian logistics and supply chains
- Governance of ad-hoc logistics networks in crisis management
- Early detection and assessment of requirements for disaster relief chains
- Humanitarian supply chain resilience
- Big data for supply chain management in crisis situation
TRACK CO-CHAIRS Bernd Hellingrath University of Muenster, Germany Bernd Hellingrath serves as the Chair for Information Systems and Supply Chain Management at the University of Münster/Germany and and is the academic director of the Competence Center for Crisis Management at the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS). He is continuously involved as track chair and reviewer in various programs, e.g. European Logistics Association workshops, the International Supply Chain Conference, the Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management or the Dagstuhl seminars. Gyöngyi Kovács Hanken University, Finland Gyöngyi Kovács is the Erkko Professor in Humanitarian Logistics at the Hanken School of Economics and is the Subject Head of the Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility. She has been the first director of the HUMLOG Institute, and a founding editor of the Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management. She has published widely in humanitarian logistics and sustainable supply chain management. Adam Widera University of Muenster, Germany Adam Widera is an active member of ISCRAM as author, reviewer and workshop organizer since 2011. He is the managing director of the Competence Center for Crisis Management at the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS) hosted by the University of Muenster, Germany. Adam is working in the area of modeling, simulation and performance measurement in humanitarian logistics as well as the design and evaluation of information systems for humanitarians. |