Call for Posters and Demonstrations (Expired)

Download this call as a PDF file


  • Demo/Poster submission proposal due: March 20th, 2019 
  • Decision and notification: March 31st, 2019

Please use one of the ISCRAM poster/demo proposal templates for the preparation of your submission (for MS Word or LaTeX).


To submit a Demo/Poster to ISCRAM 2019, send the completed proposal to:

Note that Demo/Poster proposals are NOT handled in Conftool: they must be sent via email.


Once your Demo/Poster accepted by the scientific committee, you will have to: 

  • Bring your own computing equipment for the demo; the organizers upon request will provide monitors for the demos.
  • Use the ISCRAM poster template to prepare the final version of the poster.
  • Bring your physical poster for the conference. No poster printing services are available on site.
  • Take part into the demo/Poster session in the evening of Monday May 20th 

Please note that at least one author MUST register as the presenter for the ISCRAM conference. If your poster does not have one registrant ahead of the conference, your poster will be removed from the program. You will be considered an attendee of the ISCRAM 2019 conference and will benefit from all the provided services. 


The theme of ISCRAM2019 is “Towards individual-centric emergency management systems”. The aim is to explore the possibility of providing context-driven and personalized emergency response services to citizens that allows increasing the effectiveness and performance of emergency teams. 

Considering this theme, posters and demos to be submitted to ISCRAM 2019 could concern the following topics:

  • Case studies and real-life experiences
  • Collaborative and intelligent systems
  • Command and Control
  • Community resilience
  • Community Emergency Response Teams
  • Crisis planning, training and gaming
  • Data integration, representation, and visualization
  • Decision support systems 
  • Early warning systems
  • Emergency response systems
  • Ethical, legal and social issues related to information systems in crisis management
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Intelligent systems and Artificial Intelligence
  • Knowledge management and systems
  • Public-private partnerships
  • Social Media for Crisis management
  • Systems interoperability 
  • Specific tools, software, hardware, etc. that can be demonstrated